Editorial: Michael Crichton Is Right
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- Dick Ewing
- Editorials
- Hits: 1740
In his novel “State of Fear” Crichton creates a storyline around Drake who is frustrated about the public’s lack of enthusiasm for funding NERF, an environmental organization devoted to reversing climate change. Drake decides he needs to put on a high-profile climate conference on abrupt climate change. To emphasize the validity of his theory he hires the Environmental Liberation Front (ELF) to develop and implement a series of environmental catastrophes that coincide with the conference to impress the general public that global warming is a pressing concern.
Editorial: It's a matter of economy of scale
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- Dick Ewing
- Editorials
- Hits: 2219
The TwispWorks economic analysis of the Methow Valley is a good analysis of the demographic and economic characteristics of the Valley. Most noticeable is the economic disparity between new residents who have for various reasons chosen to move from urban environments to rural Methow. Many are able to remotely work and maintain large salaries in the $200,000 range. This living standard is in contrast to the average income of Okanogan County residents of $57,779 annually. This is compared to other statistics where the population is aging and poverty is increasing among long term residents.
New payroll taxes and raised tax rates coming for all workers in the state in 2022
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- Court Creighton
- Local News
- Hits: 7723
OKANOGAN COUNTY – Democrats in the State Legislature and Executive branch have added another new payroll tax for all workers in Washington state, starting on January 1st, 2022. They have also raised the rate, by 50%, of another payroll tax that was imposed last year. In coming years, it is expected that there will be further steep tax increases for these taxes that come out of every worker’s paychecks, because the entitlement programs that they fund are not actuarially realistic with their projections.
Okanogan County subject to Biden’s Federal “vaccine” mandate
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- Court Creighton
- Local News
- Hits: 7376
OKANOGAN COUNTY – As an employer, Okanogan County appears to fall under Biden’s Federal "vaccine" mandate for employers of more than 100 workers, via an OSHA emergency rule that is due for full implementation on January 4th, 2022. Okanogan County had just over 400 employees in 2020.
School Board candidate continues to challenge incumbent in election race
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- Court Creighton
- Local News
- Hits: 9283
The only school board candidate contesting an incumbent in the MVSD Board is back! Michelle Randolph has resolved her PDC paperwork and paid the fines imposed, reinstating her campaign.
Randolph declares, "No more medical segregation. No more unconditional mandate compliance. No more CRT. No more sex-ed beyond the traditional biology lessons."