TWISP – Earlier this afternoon, Washington State Governor Jay Inslee made a whirlwind stop in the Methow Valley. He was in Spokane for a couple discussions and speaking engagements, then flew here, landing at Methow Valley State airport in Winthrop (near the Smoke Jumper base) around 12:30pm. The governor and his entourage did encounter almost 40 protesters who were against his mandates and policies, outside the Fire District 6 station in Twisp.
There were signs displayed with messages such as "Our kids are NOT your experiment!" and "Job or Jab is not a choice. It is COERCION!". However, Inslee did not speak to or face protesters, instead being quickly shuffled into a large, black SUV by his security team, and leaving for other stops.
Reportedly, he was to meet with local elected leaders, business owners, healthcare workers and fire service to talk about his climate change agenda, as it relates to wildfires and the heavy smoke and poor air quality caused by such fires.
Sun Mountain Lodge was the last stop on the governor's schedule, where he would see damage caused by the Cedar Creek fire and talk with local business owners who have been impacted economically by the fire.
The governor’s plane then left Winthrop at about 6pm, headed back to Olympia.