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Michelle Randolph, as provided in the Voters Guide

The only school board candidate contesting an incumbent in the MVSD Board is back! Michelle Randolph has resolved her PDC paperwork and paid the fines imposed, reinstating her campaign.

Randolph declares, "No more medical segregation. No more unconditional mandate compliance. No more CRT. No more sex-ed beyond the traditional biology lessons."

Her statement is here, as published in the Voters Guide:

Candidate Statement
As a parent in the district I have felt underrepresented on the school board as perhaps many of you have, and with circumstances being what they are, there is no time like the present to get involved. I want to encourage and empower others to participate in every level of our Constitutional Republic for ourselves and especially our children for the strengthening of our community as a whole. I've spent enough time researching a host of interests and also homeschooling my kids to know there are some things better left to the professionals yet that doesn't necessarily mean carte-blanche access to any and all aspects of their lives as I still believe in the principles set forth in the Constitutions and take the Oath I swear to it most solemnly without reservation. Though the students are not yet to the age of majority, it is the role of each their respective parents to protect and prepare them in tandem with our many talented educators to help train them up with both strong minds and moral fibers as they face new challenges confident in their abilities to maximize their potential for success regardless of their chosen pursuits of happiness in life.

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