METHOW VALLEY – Last Friday, you may have seen a number of flag-waving, sign-bearing demonstrators protesting vaccination mandates on a Winthrop bridge around noon. Or similarly in Twisp on Saturday for a couple hours in the early afternoon, near Highway 20 in front of the Commons Park.
These protesters – most of whom were local to the valley, but some drawn from elsewhere in the county – were coming together to protest Inslee’s medical mandates, as well as other mandates and restrictions on basic human freedoms nationwide and around the world. These events were part of the global World Wide Rally For Freedom. It appears that these rallies and protests are scheduled to occur about every 60 days, until the protester's demands for freedom are met.
The Winthrop demonstration drew over 60 people to wave signs and stand together on the Chewuch River bridge on the North side of Winthrop. The Twisp demonstration saw over 100 people waving their signs, cheering, and giving thumbs up to drivers along Highway 20 over the 2 hours of the event.
Demonstrators agreed that they saw much more support from travelers than they had initially expected. Many honked, waved, or gave a thumbs up as they passed by the event. Of course, there were some travelers – who were often masked in their cars, despite a handful being solo drivers – that were obviously not supportive.
Other locations around the state were also protesting at the same time on Saturday, including at multiple I-5 freeway overpasses.
In their Platform, the World Wide Rally for Freedom participants say they are taking a stand for 5 important freedoms:
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Movement
Freedom of Choice
Freedom of Assembly
Freedom of Health
and are advocating for 5 important objectives:
End Lockdowns
End Mask Mandates
Prevent Vaccine Mandates and Coercion
Return to Standard International and Domestic Travel
End all State of Emergency Declarations