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OKANOGAN COUNTY – We present an analysis of the US Small Business Administration (SBA) data for the 2020 Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loans for Okanogan County. These PPP loans are from Donald Trump’s efforts to mitigate the impact of coronavirus restrictions on small businesses and save businesses and jobs. The data here is from larger loans of over $150,000 dollars. This over-$150k loan data from the SBA provides the loan amounts and names and addresses of the recipient companies for better transparency.

All told, these local large PPP loans – fifty-nine in total – brought $35,334,602.50 into Okanogan County to help preserve a reported 3,500 jobs for 2.5 months in 2020. The jobs involved were self-reported by each loan recipient, and the actual number is probably higher than the total here because there were a number of reported 0 jobs or where a number was missing entirely.

The over thirty-five million dollar total loan amount, an average of $717,100 per loan, further breaks down to $10,113 per job supported for 2.5 months. These large loans brought into Okanogan County can also be extrapolated to show that they are based on an average $48,542 annual wage.

Up to 100% of the loans may be forgivable, depending on how many workers were laid off in 2020 as compared to 2019. Any amount that is not forgivable, incurs a 1% interest rate, and a repayment period of either 2 years, or 5 years – depending on whether the loan was finalized before or after the more relaxed rules were put into place later in the summer.

When broken down by business location, the Brewster area is at the top with 17 loans. Omak is second with 11 loans, and Okanogan is third at 7 loans. Fourth, Tonasket and Winthrop are tied with 6 loans apiece. Oroville has 4 loans. And 2 loans for Grand Coulee.

The breakdown by industry shows that the largest number of loans to a single industry went to apple orchards, with 6 large loans. The second largest single industry, with five loans, was supermarkets and other grocery stores. With 4 loans, 3rd place, is general medical and surgical hospitals. Skilled nursing care facilities tied in 4th place along with new car dealers, with 3 loans each.

The business types of entities that received PPP loans were:
• Corporations – 21 loans
• LLCs and LLPs – 21 loans
• S Corps, and partnerships – 7 loans
• Non-profit organizations – 5 loans
In addition, there were three loans to Professional Associations. Lastly, there was one loan to an Independent Contractor.

Of the lenders writing these loans, Glacier Bank (locally as North Cascades National Bank) wrote the most loans, at 23 total. Umpqua Bank was second with 8 loans. Washington Trust Bank came in third with 5 loans. Keybank wrote 4 loans, fourth place. Fifth place was US Bank with 3 loans.

When combined with small PPP loans of less-than-150K, the total PPP loans into Okanogan County is $55.37 million dollars. Total reported jobs supported is at least 7500 jobs.

See companion article for data on small PPP Loans - Twenty million dollars brought into Okanogan County via 600 small Payroll Protection loans, supporting 4,000 jobs

List of large PPP loan recipients is in the table below:

Table: Large PPP Loan Data - 2020
LoanAmount BusinessName City NAICSCode BusinessType JobsReported Lender
$839,200.00 APPLE HOUSE WAREHOUSE & STORAGE INC BREWSTER 115114 Corporation   Washington Trust Bank
$831,650.00 C & S ORCHARDS II L.P. BREWSTER 111331 Partnership 181 KeyBank National Association
$400,000.00 CENTRAL WASHINGTON SLEEP DIAGNOSTICS CENTER, PLLC BREWSTER 923130 Limited Liability Company(LLC) 37 Umpqua Bank
$771,200.00 CRANE & CRANE, INC. BREWSTER 445230 Corporation 111 KeyBank National Association
$314,900.00 ERLANDSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. BREWSTER 541370 Corporation 16 Glacier Bank
$379,600.00 GAMBLE SANDS OPERATIONS LLC BREWSTER 713910 Limited Liability Company(LLC) 44 Glacier Bank
$243,700.00 GEBBERS CATTLE, LTD BREWSTER 112111 Limited Liability Partnership 0 Washington Trust Bank
$259,600.00 GEBBERS WICK ORCHARDS LP BREWSTER 111331 Partnership 0 Washington Trust Bank
$1,019,900.00 HONEYBEAR GROWERS LLC BREWSTER 484110 Limited Liability Company(LLC) 131 Foresight Bank
$325,137.00 MAC & CASS PARTNERSHIP Brewster 111331 Limited Liability Partnership 170 Glacier Bank
$537,400.00 MBB BREWSTER, LLC BREWSTER 623110 Limited Liability Company(LLC) 79 BOKF, National Association
$172,300.00 O'CONNELL DRILLING AND SUPPLY LLC BREWSTER 213111 Limited Liability Company(LLC) 14 Glacier Bank
$1,271,500.00 OKANOGAN DOUGLAS DISTRICT HOSPITAL # 1 BREWSTER 622110 Professional Association 105 Wheatland Bank
$206,100.00 ON POINT ORCHARDS LLC BREWSTER 561499 Limited Liability Company(LLC) 43 Umpqua Bank
$409,400.00 TRI-RIVER GROCERY INC. BREWSTER 445110 Corporation 60 Glacier Bank
$856,173.00 U.S. ELECTRODYNAMICS, INC. BREWSTER 517410 Subchapter S Corporation 51 Bank of America, National Association
$323,900.00 VIP AGENCY GROUP LLC BREWSTER 524210 Limited Liability Company(LLC) 30 Glacier Bank
$2,774,900.00 DOUGLAS, GRANT, LINCOLN & OKANOGAN COUNTIES PUBLIC HOSPITAL GRAND COULEE 622110 Non-Profit Organization 229 Glacier Bank
$366,900.00 JESS FORD OF GRAND COULEE, LLC GRAND COULEE 441110 Limited Liability Company(LLC) 47 Umpqua Bank
$255,937.00 MILLWORK & PAINT SPECIALTIES LLC LOOMIS 238320 Limited Liability Company(LLC) 24 First Interstate Bank
$166,112.00 MAZAMA COUNTRY STORE LLC MAZAMA 445110 Limited Liability Company(LLC) 35 Glacier Bank
$196,575.00 STENNES ORCHARDS, INC. METHOW 111336 Corporation 30 Glacier Bank
$152,250.00 COLVILLE TRIBAL CREDIT CORPORATION Nespelem 522390   13 KeyBank National Association
$274,100.00 C.G.M. INC. LLC OKANOGAN 423310 Limited Liability Company(LLC) 32 Glacier Bank
$2,884,000.00 FAMILY HEALTH CENTERS OKANOGAN 621498 Non-Profit Organization 0 Washington Trust Bank
$232,700.00 HOUSTONS SERVICES INC OKANOGAN 488410 Subchapter S Corporation 0 Washington Trust Bank
$277,300.00 NORTH VALLEY MECHANICAL, INC OKANOGAN 236220 Corporation 23 Peoples Bank
$178,600.00 OKANOGAN COUNTY COMMUNITY ACTION COUNCIL OKANOGAN 813319 Non-Profit Organization 19 Glacier Bank
$171,930.00 PHIL BEE FOODS LLC OKANOGAN 445110 Corporation 0 Glacier Bank
$413,500.00 WHITLEY FUEL LLC OKANOGAN 454310 Limited Liability Company(LLC) 24 Glacier Bank
$170,400.00 AZZANO FARMS, INC. OMAK 111331 Corporation 22 Glacier Bank
$227,185.00 CATES & ERB INC AND MICHAEL A OMAK 237310 Corporation 12 Montana Community Development Corp.
$3,891,537.50 COLVILLE GAMING LLC Omak 721120 Limited Liability Company(LLC) 439 KeyBank National Association
$157,700.00 DON KRUSE ELECTRIC, INC. OMAK 238210 Corporation 14 Glacier Bank
$164,050.00 FREESE MANAGEMENT LIMITED LIABILITYCOMPANY OMAK   Limited Liability Company(LLC) 27 JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association
$417,300.00 JESS AUTO LLC OMAK 441110 Limited Liability Company(LLC) 69 Umpqua Bank
$187,500.00 NCI DATACOM, INC OMAK 517110 Corporation 23 Glacier Bank
$3,693,900.00 OKANOGAN COUNTY PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT #3 OMAK 622110 Non-Profit Organization 259 Glacier Bank
$173,105.00 PINE CREEK PACK, LLC OMAK 424480 Limited Liability Company(LLC) 21 JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association
$573,900.00 REGENCY OMAK, LLC OMAK 623110 Limited Liability Company(LLC) 64 BOKF, National Association
$407,600.00 SUNRISE CHEVROLET, INC. OMAK 441110 Subchapter S Corporation 44 Zions Bank, A Division of
$173,800.00 AKINS FOODS-OROVILLE, INC OROVILLE 445110 Corporation 32 Wheatland Bank
$227,600.00 GORDON WOLLEY TRUCKING, INC. Oroville 484121 Subchapter S Corporation 24 Fountainhead SBF LLC
$1,073,000.00 OROVILLE REMAN & RELOAD, INC. OROVILLE 484220 Corporation 126 Umpqua Bank
$165,158.00 WERNER TREE FRUITS OROVILLE 111339 Corporation 0 Wells Fargo Bank, National Association
$308,800.00 TREE FRUIT MANAGEMENT COMPANY LLC PATEROS 111331 Limited Liability Company(LLC) 167 Glacier Bank
$648,100.00 LONG TERM CARE DIVISION OF O C P H D 4 TONASKET 623110 Professional Association 89 Umpqua Bank
$362,840.00 MIDWAY BUILDING SUPPLY, INC. TONASKET 444130 Subchapter S Corporation 43 U.S. Bank, National Association
$255,000.00 NORTHWESTERN ORCHARDS, LLC TONASKET 111331 Limited Liability Company(LLC) 68 Umpqua Bank
$1,851,400.00 OKANOGAN COUNTY PUBLIC HOSPITAL DIST # 4 TONASKET 622110 Professional Association 181 Umpqua Bank
$228,380.00 PACIFIC CALCIUM, INC. TONASKET 325312 Corporation 25 U.S. Bank, National Association
$191,510.00 SMITH & NELSON, INC. Tonasket 111219 Corporation 30 Potlatch No. 1 Financial Credit Union
$540,900.00 HANK'S MARKET, INC. TWISP 445110 Corporation 75 Glacier Bank
$162,680.00 CASCADE CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO INC WINTHROP 423320 Corporation 12 U.S. Bank, National Association
$182,150.00 ELLIOTT LAYFIELD WINTHROP 114119 Independent Contractors 5 Glacier Bank
$172,300.00 LITTLE STAR SCHOOL - MONTESSORI WINTHROP 611110 Non-Profit Organization 40 Glacier Bank
$214,800.00 OLD SCHOOLHOUSE BREWERY WINTHROP 424810 Corporation 35 Glacier Bank
$169,220.00 PRESTIGE FISHERIES WINTHROP 114111 Corporation 0 Glacier Bank
$836,323.00 SUN MOUNTAIN LODGE, INC. WINTHROP 721110 Corporation   Columbia State Bank




PPP Loan Data - Large - City
PPP Loan Data - Large - City


PPP Loans - Large
PPP Loan Data - Large - Business Type


PPP Loan Data - Large - Lender
PPP Loan Data - Large - Lender
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