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Housing. Photo by Tierra Mallorca

This next week is your last chance to have your voice loudly heard for lower property taxes til late in 2022. You can do this by signing the petition for Initiative I-1786. Your state representatives have either declined to reduce taxes and have even raised them further, or, as the political minority, have not been able to pass any legislation to reduce taxes. It’s up to the people now.

Initiative I-1786 is intended to give struggling Washington taxpayers billions in property tax relief for their homes, reducing their housing costs. It will reduce the state portion of property taxes by 63% over three years. Many people have felt the pinch of greatly increased property taxes coming during 2020, while struggling with reduced income stemming from the Governor's restrictive business policies during the pandemic. Unfortunately, the Governor and the Democrat majority in the Legislature have passed many new tax increases in 2020 and 2021. Tax increases passed in 2019, such as the Long-Term Care Payroll Tax, are also beginning to hit this year or early next. The LTC payroll tax is expected to skim nearly 4 billion dollars from the paychecks of every worker in the state through 2025.

I-1786 reduces the part of property taxes that you can't vote on. Owners and renters both benefit from reduced housing costs. State spending is currently some $10 billion dollars over population growth and inflation, and shows no sign of slowing down. Despite an enormous influx of federal stimulus funds from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and record state tax collections the last three legislative sessions, majority Democrats in the Legislature still chose to increase taxes on individuals, families and businesses in Washington state. State spending has increased by 74% since Gov. Jay Inslee took office in 2013.

I-1786 does not change local counties, cities or levy funding. Only the state general fund is reduced by billions. Because of the McCleary decision, I-1786 will have no effect on school funding. Schools must be fully funded. Period.

You must be a registered voter in the state of Washington in order to have a valid petition signature. Find a petition location near you, and sign it today.

The Methow Valley has two petition locations, Hank’s Harvest Foods in Twisp, and The Winthrop Store in Winthrop. Mid-county has Xpress Lube & Wash in Omak. In the north, Tonasket Feed in Tonasket, and three locations in Oroville: NAPA Auto Supply, Re/Max Realty, and Paul's Service. In the south county, also three locations in Brewster: Rusty Relic, Brewster Car Care Center, and Brewster Veterinary Clinic. See the I-1786 petition locations map for further details.


1786 location map



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alicesmith replied the topic: #103 3 years 8 months ago
Thanks for this heads up! I didn't know anything about this Initiative I-1786! I'm sharing far and wide.