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The graveyard of businesses

After a long spring, summer, and fall of business restrictions and additional costs, and now facing more drastic restrictions as we enter the critical holiday season, there's no doubt that many of our local businesses won't be able to make it through the slow winter season in an even more constricted manner. 

While many aspects of the spread and impact of COVID-19 are carefully tracked and analyzed, the consequences and fallout from the Governor's reckless executive actions in response, are not paid nearly so much attention. Therefore, we find that we must track this metric of consequence to our local communities ourselves.

As Governor Inslee has taken full executive control of the COVID-19 response in the state, with no input from the legislature and other checks and balances in our system of government, it is then very fair to pin the full consequences of his irresponsible actions solely on him. Hence the reason why this list is named "Inslee's List - The Dead Business Log".

If you know of a business or large event that should be on this list, please leave a comment with the details, or send a message via the Contact form on the top menu.

List Updated: August 25th, 2021


 Dead Businesses:


Major events are also a type of business, and often plan and prepare for their events throughout the year. If they can't actually hold the event, which is what brings in the revenue for the year, then there's a major impact to the organizers, as well as to the individuals who would have attended.


Canceled Major Events for 2021: 


Canceled Major Events for 2020:


Inspiration and some excerpts from Inslee's List - The Dead Business Log group on Facebook, which is attempting to track some of the COVID-19 response impact on small and local businesses statewide.


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